The Bridleless Caluctta class offers spectators the chance to bid on their favorite horse to win the class. Bids are taken in a live auction, with one bidder winning the bid for each horse. Horses and riders compete in a pleasure class without a bridle. The winner of the class and the winning bidder split the total prize.
The show offers 48 futurity classes and up to $25,000 in prize money. Riders compete in four divisions of futurity classes: Open, Non-Professional, Breeders, and Virginia-bred. Due to a very successful Stallion Service Auction, foals from 32 participating stallions are eligible for Breeders’ Futurity Purse of more than $15,000.
The Paint Horse Club would like to thank the Virginia Horse Industry Board for their support of our Virginia Bred Program. VHIB provided $5,000 to reward owners and breeders of American Paint Horse Association registered horsed foaled in Virginia. The purpose of our Virginia Bred Program is to promote the Virginia horse industry by recognizing and rewarding quality paint horse breeding in the Commonwealth.
The Virginia Paint Horse Club, Inc. (VPHC) received its charter from the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) in 2001 and represents the Commonwealth of Virginia as a regional club of APHA. VPHC represents show, performance, and recreational horses; breeders; trainers; novice, youth and amateur competitors; and recreational riders.