Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Deworming Seminar Recap

In late May, the VHCF had the privilege to work with staff members of Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine who presented work on the latest de-worming and parasite research.

The long and short of it is that horse owners and vets have to be careful to maintain non-resistant worms who can mate at equal or higher levels than resistant worms to keep effectively treating equine parasites.  The life cycles of the five major parasites - Strongyles, Roundworms, Tapeworms, Pinworms, Bots, and Lungworms - are all different and affect horses of different ages in varying degrees. The presentation covered how each worm lives, breeds, and dies in or around horses as well as explaining which de-wormer is typically most effective in eradication.  Dr. Funk and Dr. Zajac stressed that the drugs are effective but that owners have to be more vigilant about scheduling horses for worming in different waves, increasing the time between de-worming, rotating their fields or keeping them relatively cleared, and making sure to regularly take fecal samples to be tested.

Dr. Zajac and Dr. Funk's presentation reinforced the fact that it is so important to stay on top of the latest research and have a flexible idea of treatment.  Talk to your vet, ask questions, read up on the subject.  Your horses will be the better for it and you will know you've done the best job you can for them!

If you would like to receive a PDF of their presentation, please email 

Re-blog...Lucia Strini at the Virginia Horse Trials

There is a beautiful tool called Google Alerts, without which, we would not have known about Lucia's lovely blog.  She recorded an entry of her and her sister's performance at the Virginia Horse Trials May 25-27, and graciously gave us permission to re-blog it here.

She also shared that, "The VA Horse Trials and Horse Center has really been a huge part of of my eventing career since I was very young, I mean: I was able to qualify for Young Riders in 2002 because of the VAHT CCI*, so I would be more than happy to do anything to support the VHCF."  

Look for a more in-depth interview with Lucia soon.  For now, enjoy her blog...we sure did!